Unwritten Law
October 16, 2016
Paradise, Boston, MA
In 2002 Unwritten Law released Elva and it ran on repeat in my car for a full 365 days. It was the staple of my summer and hearing those songs bring me right back to BBQs and bad decisions. Turns out I wasn’t the only one.
On a cold October night in Boston, the Paradise was packed with 30 year-olds looking to remember their past. They got it as Scott Russo and Unwritten Law delved deep into the history books, pulling songs not only from their most well-known album like “Seeing Red” and “Up All Night” but also from their wealth of music that dates back to 1994.
Then they did something a little surprising, they started playing some new stuff. Stuff that sounded like the old stuff but perhaps a little louder. It seemed to fold seamlessly into the mix and the crowd gobbled it up.
Lead singer Scott Russo may have aged in the last 15 or so years but his voice hasn’t wavered. That unique touch he gives to a song is still there and it’s incredible to hear even under a hoodie.
While Unwritten Law brought me back to the good ol’ days it seems they have something fun up their sleeves. Keep an eye out, it may be coming soon and it may be your next favorite album.
Article By: Teresa Reilly